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Found 179 results for the keyword icon design. Time 0.009 seconds.
Icon design is the process of designing a graphic symbol that represents some real, fantasy or abstract motive, entity or action. In the context of software applications, an icon often represents a program, a function, data or a collection of data on a computer system. -- Wikipedia Icon Design. Custom Icons for Desktop and Web Projects.Icon design. Aha-Soft can design custom icons for you. Please find the basic information about custom icon design, ordering icons, pricing and the portfolio. Where to turn for the perfect icon design when you need a cust
Icons-Land: Royalty Free Stock Icons and Custom Icon Design ServiceIcons-Land offers royalty-free stock icons and custom icon design service for software developers and website designers. These icons are suitable for software applications and web sites, mobile and smart-phone applicatio
Custom Icon Design | Professional Icon Design TeamThe Lovely Children Avatar icon Set includes a total of 115 Children Avatars, available for free download in PNG, ICO, and ICNS formats. The icons come in multiple sizes ranging from 16px to 512px. Enjoy!
Creative approach to custom icon design for your convenience - Aha-SofCopyright 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Why do you come to work every day? - Jackson Fish MarketJackson Fish MDesign-led, state-of-the-art, experience creation and digital transformation.
Vista Style GIS/GPS/MAP Icons Set with Custom Icon Design ServiceAll icons included into the set are mostly used in mapping, GIS applications and GPS navigation systems.
Vista Style Points of Interest (POI) Icons Set with Custom Icon DesignAll icons included into the set are mostly used in mapping, GIS applications and GPS navigation systems. Points of Interest icons are meant to show places on the maps which can be interesting for the user. They can be di
Vista Style Royalty-free Stock Icons with Custom Icon Design ServiceIcons-Land offers Stock Icons: GIS/GPS/MAP, Sports, Transport, Hardware&Devices, Multimedia, Points of Interest, Play/Stop/Pause and Arrow Icons.
Vista Style Transport Icons Set with Custom Icon Design ServiceThis icon set represents 1012 transports including cars, trucks, excavators, police, ambulance, taxi, subway, train, bus, airplane, helicopter, ship and more. The transports are pictured in Windows Vista style, making yo
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